Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Basic Interior Design Principles

Basic Interior Design Principles
Basic Interior Design Principles
Basic Interior Design Principles
If you don’t have natural focal point in your space, then you can create it highlighting the piece of furniture or by painting or by A flat TV is the best example about the focal point. A focal point should always be interesting that match to style, scale color or theme. A focal point should be dominant to encourage viewer to look further. Depending on the size of room, the well designed room always has one or two focal point.

Interior design’s biggest enemy is boredom. This type of balance is not used often but if used approximately then it gives very interesting look to the design. The best example of radial balance is the spiral staircase. Radial balance is when all the element of design reflects the center point.

Now-a-days asymmetrical balance is used to design interiors. A balance here is achieved by dissimilar object that have equal weight and attraction. This type of balance is very difficult to achieve. Asymmetrical balance is more of casual and less contrived in feeling. This symmetrical balance reflects the human form.

This type of interior is said to be a balance setting. It is found in the traditional interiors. Symmetrical balance is featured as the same objects kept in either side of the vertical axis. There are basically three style of balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial.

Select colors according to the themes. While doing interior designing it is necessary to think the house as one whole and then the theme of the house should be planned. An interior designer is the professional person in interior designing. Decorate the space keeping in view the entire basic requirement.

Interior design is the process of shaping the interior space of the house. Some basic rules are must to follow to create a great design. There are several principles for interior design used by interior designer.

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